Sunday, January 15, 2012

Lifton, The Education Forum, The Mary Bledsoe Story, and Lies, Lies, Lies - Updated

( I fixed some spacing problems and a few spelling errors so it should be easier to read now.)


Why is it stuck in your craw that Oswald was on Cecil McWatters bus and then William Whaley’s cab? Why do you cling to this like a man possessed? I don’t get it. You believe in a conspiracy, you believe that there was a conspiracy to kill JFK, and one to cover it all up, yet, you think there’s absolute truth in the Warren Commission story that Oswald used public transportation to make his get away.  

If this doesn’t say Cognitive Dissonance I don’t know what does.  

It would be instructive for you to examine the movie “My Cousin Vinny.” Every part of the story as told by the prosecution in the trial, all of the witnesses and evidence were all wrong.  All of the misadventures that Joe Pesci’s character, Vinny, has leads him to discover the truth. All of the photos that his girlfriend took he ridiculed.  One photo which shows the tire tracks of a car doing something the car the two kids he is defending drove could not possibly do leads to the truth.  And it took a keen mind to see the importance of that one photo.  Now everyone in that town, all of the law enforcement people, and all of the witnesses presented did not conspire amongst themselves to tell a lie because they wanted to convict two kids that they knew were innocent.  Nor was the judge or the prosecuting attorney in on a conspiracy.  There were flaws in the testimony, there were other incorrect interpretations of the evidence, there were assumptions made, leaps in logic, that added together, as a cumulative effect, lead to the wrong conclusion.    

There’s something very similar going on here.

So, stop your crap that anyone who tells you that Oswald was not on Cecil McWatters' bus, which he wasn’t, or in William Whaley’s cab, which he wasn’t, were all working together to tell a great big lie, and were all in on the plot to kill JFK.

Harold Weisberg and Sylvia Meagher saw the conflict in the testimony and evidence, and both concluded Oswald was not on McWatters bus, nor William Whaley’s cab. 

The very same arrogant, aggressive, authoritarian argument you’re demonstrating here could be used against your own work “Best Evidence.” The very same, “Oh, well, if that’s true then dozens or hundreds of people have to be lying, blah, blah, blah.”

Work the problem. Read the evidence. You worked your way through the medical evidence.  You have to work your way through every part of this case. Compared to Parkland vs Bethesda, the Cecil McWatters’ bus story is pretty damn simple.   

I went through this evidence myself and wrote an article on it back in 1998.

( ) 

And I’m happy to do so again. So, let’s examine this and deconstruct it piece by piece.  

There are three people the WC uses to tell the story of Oswald on that bus. ( Four if you count Oswald himself, at least the passive voice Oswald that we get from official reports when he is in custody. ) They do not support one another and are in conflict with one another on the key point, was Oswald on the bus? Those three are:

1.) Cecil McWatters, the bus driver. [WC testimony begins 2H262.]

2.) Roy Milton Jones, a teenager, and regular passenger on this bus

3.). An unidentified woman, (actually, if you pay attention there is more than one unidentified woman) who is not Mary Bledsoe, but the WC morphs her into Bledsoe) 

4.) Oswald, himself. But, and this is key, not directly from him, secondhand, from officials and their reports, after, well after he is dead.  

If you can impeach all sources, and the bus transfer, then there is only one inescapable conclusion, no Oswald on Cecil McWatters bus.  

So, why is the Warren Commission straightjacketed into a public transportation getaway story? 

The Warren Commission Report states, "The bus ride.- According to the reconstruction of time and events which the Commission found most credible, Lee Harvey Oswald left the building approximately 3 minutes after the assassination, probably walked east on Elm Street for seven blocks to the corner of Elm and Murphy where he boarded a bus which was heading back in the direction of the Depository Building, on its way to the Oak Cliff section of Dallas. (See Commission Exhibit 1119-A, p.158)

Note the quantifiers, “found most credible,” “approximately,” and “probably.” We are on very shaky ground already. Three quantifiers in the first sentence. Why would Oswald take a bus? Well, according to the official WC version of Oswald he doesn’t have a drivers license, he doesn’t own a car.  He didn’t hot-wire one and drive off.  He didn’t get in a car with someone, that would sound conspiratorial.  So, public transport is the only solution. 

But, why get on one that was going right back towards the crime scene?  It makes no sense. Why walk several blocks, in a straight line, along Elm Street, which has three lanes of traffic all facing you, all going back towards the crime scene? It makes no sense.

The Warren Commission Report tells us, "When Oswald was apprehended, a bus transfer marked for the Lakewood-Marsalis route was found in his shirt pocket. The transfer was dated "Fri. Nov. 22, `63" and was punched in two places by the bus driver. On the basis of this punchmark, which was distinctive to each Dallas driver, the transfer was conclusively identified as having been issued by Cecil J. McWatters. ( See WC Report p. 157.) 

[ The bus transfer ticket is Exhibit 381-A. It's in Volume 16 p. 974. Oddly, there is no Exhibit 381.]

Sounds like good detective work doesn’t it? It does, but only if you omit, as Paul Harvey would say, the rest of the story.  

For example, smart JFK researchers might ask didn’t Oswald go to his room at 1026 Beckley and change his clothes?  Didn’t he change his shirt? But he keeps a bus transfer that isn’t good anymore in the pocket of the shirt he wears when he leaves? Why do that? Well, I’m getting ahead of myself.  I’ll come back to that point.

There is one and only one incident on the bus that should tie all of the witnesses and the evidence, the bus transfer, all together.  District Attorney Henry Wade tells reporters at a press conference, Sunday night, November 24th, 1963, after Oswald has been murdered, that he (Oswald) took a bus leaving the depository and had laughed aloud when he (Oswald) told a woman passenger that the President had been shot. (See Meagher, Accessories After the Fact, p. 76; Wade's statement CE 2168.)  I’m going to call this “The Laughing Incident.” Sylvia Meagher called it what it is, “an irresponsible invention.” 

So, according to D.A. Wade Oswald told a woman while he was on Cecil McWatters bus that the president had been shot and he laughed about it.  So, Cecil McWatters, the bus driver and Roy Milton Jones, a teenage passenger on the bus should be able to recall that, right? Well, they don’t.  

Cecil McWatters

 [Point #1]  According to McWatters testimony to the WC he learned about the assassination from a man who got out of a car ahead of him stalled in traffic. This driver got out of his car and informs McWatters that he just heard on the radio that the president had been shot. (2H265)

So, if McWatters story here is correct it’s not Oswald who gets on the bus and is the first one to inform people that the president was shot and then laughs.  I’m going to count the points I make here that by themselves destroy the entirety of the Bledsoe story.

[Point #2] Now we’re supposed to believe “The Laughing Incident” occurs while McWatters is stuck in traffic on Elm Street and before “Oswald,” got off the bus. Does it? No. McWatters says this happened after the bus crossed Marsalis St. (See 2H281.)

This cropped version of a photo from the Dallas Public Library shows how close the Capri was to the Majestic. It’s from 1963 and shows the two in their neon light night time glory.  The Majestic is showing "Rampage" and the Capri is showing "How the West Was Won," which used a film technique called Cinearama.  

Here’s another in the daytime in 1976.  The Capri is showing "The Bedford Incident" and The Majestic is showing "The Ipcrest File."  The vertical sign for the Majestic still exists.  

Where the Capri theatre used to be is important for you to understand how far back up Elm St from the corner of Elm and Houston it was. Jones got on the Marsalis bus at about 12:15 or 12:20.  He knew McWatters by sight but not by name. The bus moved toward Houston and got stuck in traffic about four blocks before Houston, which would be around Lamar.  

[ Point #27 ] Jones said a policeman told McWatters that the president was shot and no one was to enter or leave the bus until police officers talked to each passenger. Lee Farley is quite correct when he wrote, “Jones’ statement threw more issues into the mix than it actually solved.” Jones introduces the element of the Dallas Police getting on the bus and questioning the passengers. McWatters did not mention this at all.  

[ Point #28 ] If this did happen then Sylvia Meagher wondered if the Dallas Police were looking for Oswald a little too early like before his absence is even noticed from the Depository.  (Accessories p. 82)

Now before the police came, and before they got stuck in traffic the last time it picked up passengers was approximately six blocks before Houston.  According to Jones, two people got on, a man and a woman, a blond headed woman and a man with dark hair. When the bus was caught up in traffic and before the police came, the man left.

[ Point #29 ] McWatters says Jones got off his bus at Marsalis and Brownley. (2H278) And that Jones lived within two blocks of the bus line (2H280.)  Again, Marsalis is not in Dealey Plaza.  Go on, GOOGLE it.  The distance from 411 Elm St. to 621 Marsalis is more than 2 miles. 

[ Point #30. ] On Monday, November 25, 1963 Jones catches up with McWatters on his bus again and McWatters tells Jones that the guy who got on the bus on Elm Street and then off again on Elm St. may have been Oswald. ( Emphasis added, Accessories p. 77)

This was news to Jones who had Friday afternoon until Monday afternoon to think that the guy who sat directly behind him may have been Oswald. But Jones never has this thought.  He never goes running to the police, “Oh My god, Oswald sat right behind me!”

[ Point # 31 ] Jones gives a description of the person who might be Oswald as 30 to 35 years, 5 feet 11 inches, 150 pounds, dark brown hair receding at temples, dressed in a light blue jacket. This description does not match Oswald.    

[ Point #32 ] Jones told the FBI that the Dallas police held up the bus for an hour.  So, let’s go back and do some math. Jones got on this bus around 12:15 to 12:20. It then gets caught in traffic and is at a standstill for some period of time, this is before the assassination.  I think that holding all traffic coming down Elm St. from at least as far as ten blocks back from the corner of Elm and Houston so a presidential motorcade can go by would take at a minimum 30 minutes to clear.  And then McWatters bus is held up for an additional hour by the police as news of the assassination hits.  It is pandemonium in Dealey Plaza .  So, I think it’s fair to say that McWatters bus doesn’t get to Elm and Houston until after 1:30 p.m. 

This is a problem, A BIG PROBLEM.     

[ Point #33] Jones tells the FBI that after the police let the bus go and after they crossed the Marsalis bridge then a woman got on. This corroborates McWatters story as to when the lady who is part of “The Laughing Incident” got on the bus. Jones confirms McWatters' story which was that McWatters asked the lady as she got on did she hear about the president getting shot?  She did not and did not believe it. The Jones and McWatters stories match exactly here. This woman thinks McWatters and/or Jones smiled or laughed at her so she thinks they are not being truthful to her so and she dismisses the idea that the president was shot.  This woman is never identified. 

Again, this woman got on well after “Oswald” had left.  She gets on over on Marsalis Street in Oak Cliff, not on Elm St., not in Dealey Plaza. So, she cannot be someone who saw “Oswald” as he’s left before she gets on.  

[ Point #34] And yet the WC / Bledsoe story is that this laughing incident occurs when the bus is on Elm Street. So, neither McWatters nor Jones help to place Oswald on the bus.  Scratch Jones.  

“Oswald” and the initial version of his public transportation getaway 

[Point #35] Okay, we looked at McWatters and we looked at Jones.  Who’s left?  Well, Oswald himself.  Under interrogation Oswald stated that he got from the plaza to the Texas Theater entirely by bus.  

[ Point #36] "In response to questions put by Captain Fritz, Oswald said that immediately after leaving the building where he worked, he went by bus to the theater where he was arrested; that when he got on the bus he secured a transfer and thereafter transferred to other buses to get to his destination." (Thomas Kelly's Secret Service report, WCR p. 626, quoted in Weston's article, p. 8.)  ONLY BUSES, IN FACT, TWO BUSES.  

[Point #37] They can’t get Oswald on one bus, so the notion of two is quickly discarded as it strengthens his alibi.  He cannot possibly get to 10th and Patton in time to kill Tippit if he has to be on McWatters bus and then get another one.  William Weston noted this in his article.  (See William Weston's article "Marsalis Bus No. 1213," The Fourth Decade, Volume 2, Number 3, March 1995, pps. 3-10.)  

So, let’s explore that idea.  

[ Point # 38 ] FBI SA James Bookhout confirms the above initial story on how Oswald gets from the TSBD to the Texas Theater. "Following his departure from the Texas School Book Depository Building he boarded a city bus to his residence and obtained transfer upon departure from the bus. He stated that officers at the time of arresting him took his transfer out of his pocket." (WCR p. 621)  Except he never did any such thing.  The Oswald in official documents under interrogation, behind closed doors, the passive voice Oswald, that Oswald is a malleable fiction. 

[ Point # 39 ] Fritz reports the same story. "During the interview I talked with Oswald about his leaving the building, and he told me he left by bus and rode to a stop near home and walked to his house. At the time of Oswald's arrest he had a bus transfer in his pocket." ( WCR Appendix XI, p. 599 Report of Capt. J. W. Fritz. The quote I’m using is the second sentence in the first paragraph on p. 6 of Fritz’s report which is page 604 of the WCR.)  

[ Point #40 ] All of that is impossible. Why? Think about what we know. McWatters says he was at Elm and N. St. Paul street at 12:36.  That is about 12 blocks west of Elm and Houston. To help you visualize this in your mind this means if you go to  Elm and Houston with Dealey Plaza behind you walk 12 blocks away from the plaza and you’re near Elm and North St. Paul.    

[ Point #41 ] McWatters bus was stuck in traffic for some unknown amount of time, then according to Jones police came onboard and spoke to every passenger.  According to Jones they were held up for an hour on Elm with this police questioning of the passengers.  Jones got on the bus at about 12:10 to 12:20. Add 10 to 15 minutes perhaps more for the normal and expected stopping of traffic on Elm St. so the presidential motorcade can go by. Then the assassination occurs. There’s pandemonium in Dealey Plaza. Now add an hour. That takes it well past 1:10 p.m. or 1:20 p.m., perhaps even after 1:30 p.m and it’s still in Dealy Plaza.  This means Oswald can’t be in Oak Cliff murdering Officer Tippit somewhere between 1:00 p.m. and 1:15 p.m.  If Oswald is on McWatter's bus, then McWatters bus becomes Oswald’s alibi.  It excludes him from having anything to do with the Tippit shooting.  

[ Point #42 ] Opps. Quick, get me rewrite!  And Fritz’s report, there was something there. Aha! “During the interview I talked with Oswald about his leaving the building, and he told me he left by bus and rode to a stop near home and walked to his house.” (emphasis added) Bingo, that “and rode,” becomes William Whaley’s cab.

William Whaley, please stand by.

Scratch Oswald, at least his initial story that he got there entirely by bus.  Damn. What to do? They modify the story.

Saturday, November 23, 1963

[ Point #43 ] On Saturday, November 23, 1963 at about 10:30 a.m. as related by Inspector Thomas J Kelly of the Secret Service in his report, Captain Will Fritz of the Dallas Police Department’s Homicide Bureau asked Oswald if he had taken a taxi that day. And all of a sudden, SHAZAM! Oswald then changed his story and said that when he got on the bus he found it was going too slow and after two blocks he got off the bus and took a cab to his home." (See WC Report, Appendix XI p. 626.)  

How convenient of Oswald to destroy his own alibi for the Tippit murder! How convenient of Oswald to pick up his cue from Fritz. The bus story, in trouble on many fronts had to be changed.  And suddenly Oswald solves this problem for them, at least the Oswald we get in the passive voice in official reports of his untapped, unrecorded, untranscriped, stenographic notes free, interrogation the Warren Commission gives us.

[And don’t tell me what the ARRB found about interrogation notes.  I know all about it.  They don’t change a thing.]   

[ Point #44] Okay, now we have “Oswald” getting off the bus while the bus is still on Elm St. and before it gets to Houston. He still bothers to ask for a transfer which means he has to get it from the bus driver.  This should increase the probability of McWatters remembering this and what this man looked like, but, it doesn’t. If Oswald did change his shirt at 1026 N. Beckley he would have had to remember the bus transfer and place that in his new shirt. That doesn’t make sense.  What would he use it for? What second bus would he want and where would he be going by bus? What does he need it for? Why hang on to it after it’s no longer valid? Well, the answer is quite simple.  He doesn’t need it.  The Dallas Police Department need it.  Oswald never asked for a bus transfer, because he was never on McWatters bus.  It was never found on Oswald’s clothes.  It was found on McWatters bus where it was still attached to the rest of the bus transfer booklet. They got it when they got McWatters.    

JFK assassination researcher Walt Cakebread wrote to me on alt.conspiracy.jfk, an early internet forum for discussing the assassination, back in 1998. He sent me a copy of a letter he wrote on March 22, 1995 to Dr. Jerry Rose, publisher of the JFK assassination journal The Fourth Decade in response to William Weston’s article “Marsalis Bus #1213.”  ( I include the full letter he wrote to me below this article.) This paragraph is from that letter:

"I would like to point out some of the improbabilities with the bus transfer story and present an alternate hypothesis to the official version of the story. The first and most obvious anomaly is the condition of the transfer. It is like the "magic bullet" in that it is in pristine condition. It just doesn't look like a piece of newsprint paper that has been in someone's pocket, and especially some one who has been running, on a warm, humid Texas afternoon and wrestling with the police. It isn't even slightly wrinkled, not even a dog eared corner?? For the transfer to be in this condition it would have to have been encased in some sort of folder or purse but there is no evidence that this was the case. Detective Sims states that he found the transfer by itself in Oswald's pocket. I defy anyone to hastily place a public transit transfer in their shirt pocket not just once, but at least twice and not even dog ear a corner!"

Walt Cakebread came to the same conclusion I did that the bus transfer is Oswald’s alibi in the Tippit murder.  "Detective Sims found a transfer in Oswald's pocket that was punched " Marsalis 23" that had been issued at 1:00 o'clock. He was unaware that this transfer was proof that Oswald had not killed officer J.D. Tippit."

Again, it’s a timing problem.  It’s a timing problem throughout the whole convoluted way they investigate, put a story out there to the public, then find problems with it, then investigate it again, amalgamate it, come to a consensus, invent a story to star Mary Bledsoe, finalize it and stand behind how Oswald got to Oak Cliff in time to kill Tippit.

So, is there anyone or anything else on that bus that could help put Oswald on it? Well, there are some unidentified women.  

[ Point #45 ] The Unidentified Woman  #1 - She is not Bledsoe

So, let’s look at this woman. This is the woman who is supposedly involved in “The Laughing Incident.” They need someone to put Oswald on the bus.  Two out of the three characters don’t work.  So, they’re left with this woman who they did not identify. She is not given a name by McWatters, nor Jones. They don’t know her name. The police do not identify her to either McWatters or Jones. As noted already she doesn’t get on the bus until after it gets on Marsalis which is in the Oak Cliff section of Dallas and depending on exactly where she got on about a mile away, or 2, or 3, from Dealey Plaza.  The simple geography of when she gets on rules out any possibility she saw a person authorities will later say was Oswald.

[ Point #46 ] Unidentified woman #2 - She is not Bledsoe.

McWatters told the Warren Commission, “...there was a lady that when I stopped in this traffic, there was a lady who had a suitcase and she said, "I have got to make a 1 o'clock train at Union Station," and she said, "I don't believe from the looks of this traffic you are going to be held up." She said, "Would you give me a transfer and I am going to walk on down," which is about from where I was at that time about 7 or 8 blocks to Union Station and she asked me if I would give her a transfer in case I did get through the traffic if I would pick her up on the way. So, I said, "I sure will." (2H264) This woman was never identified. 
[ Point #47 ] Unidentified Woman #3 - She is not Bledsoe.

This woman, described by Roy Milton Jones as “blond haired” got on with an unidentified man.  The unidentified man got off while it was still on Elm St.  When this blond haired woman got off the bus and where she goes is unknown.  She just disappears and is not referred to again.  She remains unidentified.   

[ Point #48 ] Unidentified Woman #4 - A lady in Oak Cliff who wants to go into Dallas. She is not Bledsoe.  

McWatters told the Commission, “Now, as we got on out on Marsalis, along about it was either Edgemont or Vermont, I believe it was Vermont [Avenue], there was a lady who was fixing to cross the intersection and I stopped and asked her if she was going to catch the bus into town from the opposite direction, and she said that she was and I told her that we was off schedule, that the other bus had done went into town, and I asked her did she care to just ride on to the end of the line and come back and she wouldn't have to stand there and wait” (2H267)

[ Point #49 ] Let’s point out some key facts about this woman.  It’s well after the assassination.  McWatters is now in Oak Cliff.  She was going to cross in front of McWatters bus and McWatters thinks she was going to wait on the other side of the street for the bus to go back into Dallas.  This implies he knows her or that she looks familiar, perhaps a regular on his bus, or maybe she’s a total stranger and McWatters is just a nice guy.  This is actually rather nice of McWatters to do this.   

Edgemont Avenue or the next street, and Vermont Avenue crosses South Marsalis in Oak Cliff.  Google it.

This woman was waiting to go into Dallas. McWatters told her his bus was now off schedule and late.  He would have to finish his run and come back around to start going back to Dallas in order to get her.  It would be best if she came over and got on now rather than standing there for some time waiting.  

[ Point #50 ] Unidentified woman #1 and unidentified woman #4 become Bledsoe.  Their stories are combined, amalgamated, and fed to Mary Bledsoe enough so that she can just barely regurgitate it back to some Dallas people.  And they think fine, she’s ready for the Warren Commission folks.  


Like McWatters this is a poor, uneducated mind. Her favorite phrase is “I didn’t pay any attention.” 

[ Point #51] Oh, that’s how they find her.

Does McWatters bus route even go near 1026 North Beckley? No.  

Initially, the passive voice Oswald said the bus left him off at his residence, which is on N. Beckley. Problem, McWatters bus doesn't go there. McWatters bus would drop Oswald off 5 blocks away. (See Weston article p. 8) Guess who lives exactly 5 blocks away, in a straight line, right where this bus would let Lee Harvey Oswald off? Mary Bledsoe.

Someone pointed out that Bledsoe was the daughter of a doctor, as though this meant she was at one time wealthy.  Baloney.  She was born in a little town 12 miles from Corsicana, Texas.  Now you can Google it and find Corsicanna, Texas.  But, Google won’t really tell you much of what the area around Corsicanna, Texas was like prior to 1925.  

She doesn’t say what year she was born but she got married at age 17, divorced in 1925, and raise two children on her own.  

However they say they get to this lady they make damn sure she doesn’t wind up being a complete waste of time like Cecil McWatters was for them.  

[ Point #52 ] Bledsoe thinks Marina Oswald is Spanish.(6H408) and that JFK came to Dallas on February 22. (6H408)

[ Point # 53 ] When Bledsoe finally gets to describing Oswald she says he looks like a maniac.  That is clearly what the WC wanted to hear.  And again, “his face was so distorted.” (6H409) There is no reason for his face to be distorted or for him to look like a maniac.  This is clearly subornation of perjury.  

[ Point #54 ] Bledsoe describes Oswald’s clothing, especially his shirt.  But, McWatters and Jones both said he was wearing a blue jacket. Bledsoe says all of the buttons on Oswald’s shirt were torn off.  But that’s the condition of the shirt when he’s arrested, in handcuffs and brought into Dallas Police HQ.   But, didn't Oswald go to 1026 N. Beckley and change his shirt? So, how is she recognizing a shirt she didn't see? 

[ Point #55 ] She marked things on a calendar.  The info for Oswald is on the page for October and her idiot son tore that out and sold it for $5.  THIS STORY IS SUPPOSED TO BE EVIDENCE, I WANT TO REPEAT THAT WORD, HELL, I’LL EVEN SPELL IT, E-V-I-D-E-N-C-E, PROOF EVEN, THAT NOT ONLY WAS BLEDSOE A LANDLORD BUT THAT OSWALD RENTED FROM HER.   

[ Point # 56 ] “The Laughing Incident” gets a rewrite - 6H410

Now Warren Commission counselor Ball guides Bledsoe into giving the rewritten “laughing incident” story.  This time the woman in the story is Bledsoe.  

Mr. Ball. - Now, you say the motorman said something?
Mrs. Bledsoe. - Motorman said. "Well, the President has been shot," and I say--so, and the woman over--we all got to talking about four of us sitting around talking, and Oswald was sitting back there, and one of them said, "Hope they don't shoot us," and I said, "I don't believe that--it is--I don't believe it. Somebody just said that. And it was too crowded, you see, and Oswald had got off.

[ Point #57 ] Did Bledsoe see McWatters give “Oswald” a bus transfer? No. 

Mrs. Bledsoe. - No; I didn't pay any attention but I believe he did.
Mr. Ball. - Well, what do you mean he---you believe he did? Did you remember seeing him get on or are you telling me something you read in the newspapers?
Mrs. Bledsoe. - No; I don't remember. I don't remember.

Wow, that sounds like a positive ID! This is what the “I believe Mary Bledsoe,” crowd think is real.  Are you friggin’ kidding me? But wait, it gets better

[ Point # 58 ] Is Mrs. Bledsoe telling us what she remembers or what she was told to say?

Mr. Ball. - Can you tell me the location of the bus with reference to a cross street on Elm where Oswald got off?
Mrs. Bledsoe. - No; I can't, because they have changed that street, so, they have torn down things and I don't go town very much now and so I don't-----
Mr. Ball. - Was it in the middle of the block, or at a regular bus stop?
Mrs. Bledsoe. - Well, they said it was.
Mr. Ball. -I want to know what you remember.
Mrs. Bledsoe. - No; I don't remember.

[ Point # 59] So, Bledsoe calls the DPD on November 23, 1963, NOT THE 22ND, THE 23RD (6H412)

Mr. Ball. -When did you first notify the police that you believe you'd seen Oswald?
Mrs. Bledsoe. -When I got home, first thing I did I went next door and told them the President had been shot, and he said, "Why, he has got killed." Well, I turned on the radio--television--and we heard ambulances and going around and there was a little boy came in that room in the back and he turned it on, and we listened and hear about the President, only one I was interested in, so, he went on back to work and they kept talking about this boy Oswald and had on a brown shirt, and all of a sudden, well, I declare, I believe that this was this boy, and his name was Oswald---that is---give me his right name, you know, and so, about an hour my son came home, and I told him and he immediately called the police and told them, because we wanted to do all we could, and so, I went down the next night. He took me down, and I made a statement to them, what kind of---Secret Service man or something down there.

[ Point # 60 ] Allegedly, Porter Bledsoe, Mary’s son calls the Dallas Police Department on the 22nd with information about the accused assassin.  If true, you’d think someone would be interested in this.  Yet, nothing is done. Not only do they apparently call the DPD once and only once and get nowhere they don’t try to call anyone or anywhere else.  They don’t go to anyone else in authority on the 22nd.  They don’t even go to the media. They go to the DPD on Nov. 23rd.  Why didn’t they go on the 22nd?  Why the delay? Because she doesn’t go to them.  They go to her, when they know they have problems with Oswald on a bus. 

But you don’t believe me, do you Lifton? 

[ Point # 61] They brought Oswald’s brown shirt out to her house? What the hell is this?
(6H412, 413, 414)  It’s illegal and improper coaching of the witness.  An ex parte discussion.  

Mr. Ball. - Now, I have got a piece of clothing here, which is marked---
Mrs. Bledsoe. -That is it.
Mr. Ball. - Commission Exhibit 150.
Mrs. Bledsoe. - That is it.
Mr. Ball. - This is a shirt.
Mrs. Bledsoe. - That is it.
Mr. Ball. - What do you mean by "that is it?"
Mrs. Bledsoe. - Because they brought it out to the house and showed it.
Mr. Ball. - I know. What do you mean by "that is it?"
Mrs. Bledsoe. - Well, because I can recognize it.
Mr. Ball. - Recognize it as what?
Mrs. Bledsoe. - Yes, sir; see there?
Mr. Ball. - Yes. You tell me what do you see here? What permits you to recognize it?
Mrs. Bledsoe. - I recognize---first thing I notice the elbow is out and then I saw---when the man brought it out and let me see it?
Mr. Ball. - No, I am talking about---I am showing you this shirt now, and you said, "That is it." You mean---What do you mean by "that is it"?
Mrs. Bledsoe. - That is the one he had out there that day?
Mr. Ball. - Who had it out there?
Mrs. Bledsoe. - Some Secret Service man.
Mr. Ball. - He brought it out. Now, I am---you have seen this shirt then before?
Mrs. Bledsoe. - Yes.
Mr. Ball. - It was brought out by the Secret Service man and shown to you?
Mrs. Bledsoe. - Yes.
Mr. Ball. - Had you ever seen the shirt before that?
Mrs. Bledsoe. - Well---
Mr. Ball. - Have you?
Mrs. Bledsoe. - No; he had it on, though.

I never heard of anything like this, police bringing evidence to a witness in the murder of the president, bringing evidence to a witness’ house.  It’s unbelievable!

But, no, there’s no evidence she was coached, or prepped, no, no evidence she was used.  Oh really? 

[ Point # 62 ] Back to Bledsoe and the shirt. At some undetermined time after the assassination Secret Service agents came to her home, bringing a brown shirt which she had recognized (from the hole in the sleeve and the color) as the one Oswald had worn on the bus. (6H 412-413; Quoted in Meagher p. 80)

Oh really? Recognized it did she?

[ Point #63 ] In an FBI report dated December 4, 1963 SA's Carl Brown and Robert P. Butler wrote, "When the shirt was removed from an envelope in which it was contained, Mrs. Bledsoe at first said, 'No, no. That is not the shirt.' She then inquired as to whether the shirt had a ragged elbow. Upon further examination of the shirt, she observed a hole in the right elbow of the shirt, at which time she quickly stated, 'Yes, yes, This is the shirt.' (FBI report DL 89-43 by Special Agent Carl Brown and Robert P. Butler, in William Weston's article "Marsalis Bus No. 1213," The Fourth Decade, Volume 2, Number 3, March 1995, pps. 3-10) 

One can only guess exactly what “upon further examination,” really meant.  

[ Point #64] Then she claims she recognizes it, but has never seen it before.

Mr. Ball. - It was brought out by the Secret Service man and shown to you?
Mrs. Bledsoe. - Yes.
Mr. Ball. - Had you ever seen the shirt before that?
Mrs. Bledsoe. - Well---
Mr. Ball. - Have you?
Mrs. Bledsoe. - No; he had it on, though.

As with McWatters, Bledsoe has no clue she is contradicting herself.  As with McWatters, Bledsoe too saw TV before she went to Dallas Police HQ, in fact, she saw a lot more.  

But, there’s are several problem with Bledsoe recognizing Oswald by his shirt.  He’s wearing a blue jacket according to McWatters and Jones over that shirt.  So, how does she see torn off buttons and a hole near the elbow?  This sounds like the shirt Oswald was wearing when arrested in the Texas Theatre, and matches the description of what we see in the TV coverage when he’s under arrest and brought up and down those hallways.  But, he went home and changed his shirt.  So, he’s supposed to be wearing a different shirt than what Bledsoe claims she saw him wearing on the bus.  She shouldn’t be shown the shirt he was arrested in, but the one he wore before, that he had on while on the bus

[ Point # 65 ] Oswald going to 1026 North Beckley and changing his clothes gets a rewrite too!

The brown shirt and grey trousers are listed on F. M. Turner exhibit #1, Volume 21, page 679, the last two items on the page.   

Now wait a minute, didn't Oswald change his shirt at 1026 N. Beckley? See the problem? If Oswald was wearing a ripped and torn shirt all day, though only Bledsoe saw it, and Oswald goes home and changes his shirt, how come he's still wearing the ripped and torn shirt when arrested? Or are there supposed to be two pairs of brown shirts and two grey trousers? Oops.

Moreover, Oswald told Captain Fritz that during his brief visit to his room he had changed his trousers and his shirt, "because they were dirty," and that he placed them "In the lower drawer of his dresser." (WCR 604-605, 622) The police officers who searched the room did not indicate on the police property list that discarded trousers and shirt were found there.  So, where did they go? 

“Nevertheless, the Commission asserts on the strength of Mrs. Bledsoe's testimony and the bus transfer found on Oswald that "although Oswald...claimed to have changed his shirt, the evidence indicates that he continued wearing the same shirt he was wearing all morning and which he was still wearing when arrested."
(from Meagher p. 80, quoting WCR 124-125


In her 28 pages of testimony she says the following: 

Uh-Huh - 63 times as the Warren Commission counselors lead her through her own story 

I didn’t pay any attention - 33 times 

I don’t remember - 19 times.  

Only the Warren Commission would call Mary Bledsoe a strong witness.  Only the Warren Commission would come to a conclusion, “on the strength of Mrs. Bledsoe's testimony...”
Give me a friggin’ break.

[ Point # 67]  Bledsoe says she gave Oswald a receipt for renting the room

Mrs. Bledsoe. - Yes; and I gave him a receipt on this book.

So, where is that receipt?  Where is Bledsoe’s receipt book? 

[ Point # 68 ] Bledsoe says a man called Oswald and spoke to him in a foreign language  (6H427)

Mrs. Bledsoe. -  This man who called and talked to him in the foreign language. I never did see him.
Mr. Jenner. - How did you know it was a man?
Mrs. Bledsoe. - Well, I just judged that it was.

Why don’t they just get her telephone records? 

[ Point #69 ] Her favorite phrase is “ I didn't pay any attention to it.”  And after reading her testimony that is my advice to people about her. 

So, let’s look at the bus transfer. 

This is a closeup of the bus transfer.  

CE 381A shows the bus transfer, front and back, and an envelope it was placed in, front and back.  Note that letter, "A." 

[ Point #70 ] Why is that “A” there?  This is the only exhibit in the Warren Commission where we get a letter quantifier to an exhibit without the original number being used for an exhibit.  

There is no CE381, in the 26 volumes but there is a CE381A. Why? 

In the testimony the bus transfer is marked as CE381 at 2H286.  But, for some reason Warren Commission counselor Ball stated, “What we would like to do is mark a photostat of the, transfer as 381A and substitute the photostat and we can return the transfer to the custody of the FBI.” 

But, then they don’t publish a photostat of the bus transfer.  The actual bus transfer is photographed.  So why do they keep the number as 381A? 

[ Point #71 ] They show us what they say is McWatters distinctive mark in test punch marks made onto a piece of paper, this is CE372.

[ Point # 72 ] But, where are the rest of the bus ticket stubs? The whole booklet should be in evidence. It is not in evidence, nor is the actual punch maker, the tool McWatters used to make his distinctive punch mark.  Why?

McWatters mentions his transfer book in relation to the distinctive punchmark that he has, it resembles the man in the moon in profile.  A bus transfer ticket with a distinctive punch will tell a person who made the transfer, and thus what bus a customer got a particular transfer from.  

[ Point # 73 ] We are shown samples of that distinctive punch maker in CE 372. Yet, we are not shown the transfer ticket booklet from McWatters bus.  We are not allowed to compare his punchmark to his transfer ticket booklet to see if it matches what he tells the Warren Commission. We can’t see the transfer ticket stubs.  We can’t see if there is a mark at the same time for the lady with the suitcase. We can’t see a stub for any transfer number below #004459 nor above it.  Why not?   

[ Point # 74 ] McWatters also spoke about a list his Superintendent had of the names of all the bus drivers and next to their names would be the distinctive punch mark each individual bus driver had. (2H268) We don’t have this list in evidence either. 
Why all these lies and manipulations?

It has to be explained how Lee Harvey Oswald got to Oak Cliff. Officially, he cannot drive. It would be conspiratorial if he had help escaping, i.e., anyone giving him a lift in a car would raise a hell of a lot of questions, one of the main reasons why the Roger Craig story is discounted, so public transportation is the only way. I'm convinced the real people behind the assassination thought they had it all worked out with the bus prior to the assassination, but something goes wrong, it falls apart so easily even they realize it and change it the very next day. This casts serious doubts about the cab story too, because the taxi only appears after the bus story falls apart.  At no time on November 22, 1963 is there any mention by anyone that Oswald took a taxi to get to Oak Cliff. 

So the bus transfer is reduced in importance in favor of a taxi manifest, enter William Whaley.

Oswald doesn’t mention a taxi until Nov 23.  Recall, the DPD kept McWatters from a little after 6:00 p.m. Friday evening until 1:00 a.m. Saturday morning.  

[ Point #75] There is no mention of Lee Harvey Oswald taking a taxi on November 22, not by anyone. Lee Harvey Oswald does not refer to himself as having taken a taxi cab, no law enforcement official of any kind refers to Oswald as having taken a taxi cab, no taxi cab driver comes forward to say Oswald took a cab, no witness of any kind places Oswald in a cab, and no paperwork of any kind refers to Oswald being in a cab on November 22, until November 23.

The story of Lee Harvey Oswald taking a cab to get to N. Beckley starts on Saturday, November 23, 1963 following a prompting by Captain Fritz after 10:30 a.m.

Whaley says the line-up he went to was around 2:30 p.m. that day. So, between 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. they get Whaley.

Lee Farley has done some excellent work on this area.  According to CE 2093 at 24H288, page 8 of T. L. Baker's report  ( second paragraph ):

"At 12:30 AM [ An error that should say PM ] Montgomery and Johnson were instructed by Lt. Wells to go to The Oak Cliff Cab Co.  at Davis and Tyler and contact a driver by the name of William Scoggins and bring him to the City Hall. When they arrived at this location they were advised that he was standing by at the cab station at the Adolphus hotel at Commerce and Akard. The supervisor at this cab station said there was another cab driver we should talk to by the name of Bill Whaley.  This driver was contacted, and they went to the cab company at 610 South Akard and picked him up and brought him to the City Hall also."

Note that they didn't bother to get the name of the supervisor.  That's a clue that something is suspicious here.

And Lee Farley found it.

Dallas Police Officer Marvin Johnson, one of the two who supposedly picked up Scoggins and Whaley, wrote a two page report which is also in CE 2003 at 24H307.  Johnson only picked up Scoggins.  Two pages later in another two page report in CE 2003, 24H309 Johnson repeats, he only picked up Scoggins.  Why is Whaley absent from the narrative in not one, but two reports by Johnson? 

Farley also points out that Fritz asks Oswald about a cab on November 23rd, at 10:25 a.m., yet Montgomery and Johnson do not learn about Whaley until. after 12:30 p.m. when they are told about Whaley, and they don't go and get Whaley and bring him back to HQ until after 12:30 p.m.  So, how does Fritz know anything about a cab driver named Whaley? Fritz is asking Oswald about a cab ride he doesn't really know anything about yet. 

[ Point #76 ] As with McWatters, Whaley also screws up the identification process with Oswald in a line-up. Of paramount importance is the fact that the Dallas police prepared a statement for him to which he signed and swore, identifying Oswald before he even views the lineup!!!!! (Weisberg p. 53; 6H431)

[ Point #77] We have a clear pattern here with McWatters, Bledsoe and Whaley of being told information, of being coached. 

McWatters -  “Well, they stopped me right by the city hall there when I come by there and they wanted me to come in, they wanted to ask me some questions. And I don't know what it was about or anything until I got in there and they told me what happened.” 2H267 -268 

Bledsoe - They bring Oswald’s shirt out to her.  They prepare notes for her when she testified to the WC.  Notes never introduced into evidence.  They provide her with a female lawyer.  

Whaley - "I signed my name because they said that is what I said." (6H431)

[ Point #78 ] Yet, even with this someone still screws up because Whaley says Oswald is under #3. Nope, sorry, he's under #2. (Whaley counted from right to left, instead of left to right.  The uneducated mind strike again.) Whaley is horribly confused. He seems to realize the importance of what he said identifying Oswald before he even sees him in the line-up, but fails to clear it up. 

[ Point #79] He then states, "I signed my name because they said that is what I said." (6H431) To use McWatters favorite phrase, in other words, Whaley signed a blank affidavit and let the police fill it in for him.  

"If you would be in my place when they took me down there, when they had to force their way through the reporters, to get me in the office they wrote that up, and I signed it.... 6H430. 

Whaley is telling you that the police created Whaley's affidavit.  They did not have Whaley write up his own affidavit, no, they typed one up telling Whaley that this is your affidavit.  

Obliging, ain't he?


Lifton Shenanigans

[ Point #80] On the John Simkin - Education Forum, Todd Wayne Vaughn pointed out to Lifton that Mary Bledsoe had a stroke and that that is why she was given notes to help her poor memory during her Warren Commission testimony. Therefore there’s nothing odd about it at all, it’s merely humanitarian.  Lifton thought this was brilliant. 

Todd, this was apparently mentioned, four years ago, almost in passing, and it really doesn't pass my "so what?" test--because no one connected the dots properly. 

As far as I can see, and as a practical matter, you're the first person not just to note it, but to appreciate its significance. And that's what counts.


[ Point #81] Oy Flipping Vey! A stroke is helpful?!  A stroke kills a part of your brain!  

This “discovery” that she had had a stroke doesn’t rescue her credibility.  Nor does it rescue the public transportation get away story either.  

A key point of information about a stroke might be WHEN DID SHE HAVE THE STROKE? Before November 22, 1963, afterwards, before she gives a statement, while she was giving as statement, after she gave the statement, after she gives another statement, after she gives a third statement, before her Warren Commission statement, when?  A stroke restores credibility, this from the guy who looked at the medical evidence and wrote “Best Evidence.” 

[ Point #82 ] Lifton, who like a little boy who was asked to do a book report, and didn’t do his homework work, and got a F-, and yet is proud of the grade nonetheless bullies people on a forum caled THE EDUCATION FORUM.  Here’s one example:

Lee Farley wrote: 

"Personally I believe Oswald possibly went straight to the Theater. I don't believe he changed clothes, I don't believe he was wearing a jacket and I don't believe he owned a pistol. If those three things are true then he had no need to go back to 1026 North Beckley."

Lifton responds:

"If he didn't go to the rooming house, then who did Earlene Roberts see run in, just around 1 o'clock, and then leave, zipping up a jacket? Are you claiming that that event either didn't happen? Or that she saw someone else??

Putting aside the fact of whether he legally "owned" a pistol, do you understand that, when apprehended in the theater, he had "a" pistol in his hand? (Or do you deny that, too?) 

If he didn't "change clothes," then why was he seen leaving the rooming house, zipping up his jacket?"
Well, as I’ve shown, (point #65)  the Warren Commission, in order to strengthen Bledsoe’s story of placing Oswald on McWatters bus, and of being able to recognize Oswald by his shirt, which was physically brought out to her, they negate the whole idea that Oswald went to 1026 N Beckley and changed his clothes. They didn’t go so far as to say Oswald did not go to N. 1026 North Beckley at all. That would cause too many problems and pit one of Oswald’s alleged landlords with a real one.  You see revisionism can be very tricky. 

Ignorant of WCR page 124 - 125 Lifton continued to berate Lee Farley on this point:

I'm sure glad you're in the field of TV script writing, or whatever it is you do. . because all of this attests to your powers of imagination. If you were in physical chemistry, I can just see you standing in front of the class, with your own version of the Periodic Table, waving your arms and telling everyone that the hydrogen atom really has three electrons, that water is really not H2O, but perhaps H5O, and explaining to everyone why your version of physical chemistry and thermodynamics really makes sense--and now if only everyone will be smart and astute enough to recognize your capabilities, why you'll provide the address to which they should send you your Nobel Prize.

[ Point #83 ] Ignorant that in the initial version of Oswald’s esacape by public transport, an idea he thinks Lee Farley created, Lifton wrote:

You’ve made the assertion that Oswald went straight to the theater, 

No, that’s in several reports that then had to be revised.  See points #35, 36, 37. 

[ Point #84 ] - Lifton cannot get it into his head that police lie.  He cannot comprehend the concept of the passive voice.  So to him the Oswald we get in the interrogation notes is exactly the same as the real, live Oswald we got in the “short and sweet” newsconference, the one with Jack Ruby at the back of the room.  And therefore the reason for the inconsistencies, ommissions, and revisonism is Oswald’s fault as he’s not being truthful, not telling the whole truth.  Please.  

Lifton cannot comprehend the fallacy of circular logic, and how the whole Bledsoe story is the definition of circular logic.  

He cannot see that there really is no evidence she was his landlady, and no evidence she was on the bus. He doesn’t see the flaws in each story.  His position is merely authoritarian. This unshakeable faith that the first version of the story I heard is the truth, is always the truth, is childish.

Has he ever watched an episode of Columbo? or Perry Mason? Don’t they examine, and cross examine the evidence? 

There’s an old movie with Paul Newman, and Lawrence Harvey called “The Outrage.” It’s a 1964 remake of the Japanese classic “Rashomon,” in which a murder and a rape occur. Three characters are involved, a husband, who’s killed, a wife who is raped, ( or was she, ) and a bandit.  The story is told to a con artist, played by Edward G. Robinson by a prospector, played by Howard da Silva  and a preacher, played by William Shatner. Three witnesses at a trial give conflicting testimony about what happened. It’s a fascinating film, especially if you like plot twists.

Now, does Lifton think that the first version of the story was the real one? Does he scream, "The first version is the truth! Why would the first person telling the story lie?” What happens to you David as you watch this film? Does your head just explode in your own personal tribute to Z313? 

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